A while ago we invited President Jolliffe to come and visit Westport. He has been the President of the New Zealand Wellington Mission since June 2008 and the members here have longed for him to visit them on the West Coast. They have met him at District Conference but he has never been to their home area. So Elder Archibald and I issued him and his delightful wife an invitation to visit us. And he came. He was delayed a week. The weather was oh so stormy, but he flew into Nelson and rented a car. He drove to Greymouth via Reefton on the Saturday and did a fireside there. We drove down to the fireside. The seas were wild and there had even been high sea warnings out. I wish you could see how wild the seas really were but this picture will have to suffice.
The next day our branch was blessed to have President and Sister Jolliffe visit Westport. This day Sister Jolliffe talked about the Savior being our Lighthouse. The human eye can discern a candle at 50 km. on a clear night. We need to be the candle that someone is watching. She also shared and experience of when their family got chooks. She told of how when they first got them they tried to bring them in to the coop before they were ready to come in for the night. They spent hours the first few times. Then one night they were away and a little late getting home. When they went out to gather the chooks in for the night the chooks were already in the coop, nested for the evening. When the chooks were willing to be gathered to a safe and secure place they knew where to go. She likened that to our less active members. They know where there is safety and security and if they are nourished with the light of the gospel they will be willing to be gathered when they are ready. We can't force them, just be there and be constant with our love. President Jolliffe talked about miracles. All at one time knew of the Plan of Happiness. Right now, as through the ages there is a tug of war between the Lord and the adversary. We need to make sure we stay on the side of the Lord. True Christianity is love in action.
It was a great time for our branch when the President and his wife visited.
We have great mission presidents in the Church and their wives are terrific. Sounds like yours is no exception to that rule.